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Published on 30 May 2022

Task and responsibilities

According to the Geoinformation Ordinance (GeoIV), art. 48, the coordinating body for Federal geographical information, GCG, is administratively subordinate to the Federal Office of Topography and has its own operational centre, COGIS, a division of swisstopo. On behalf of the GCG, COGIS is responsible for the coordination, operation and further development of the Federal Spatial Data Infrastructure (FSDI).

Swiss Geoinformation Strategy

The Federal Council (on 11.Dec 2020) and the Swiss Conference of Directors of Construction, Planning and Environment BPUK (on 17.Sept 2020) have approved the Strategy Geoinformation Switzerland". In it, they set out how they intend to network up-to-date, reliable geoinformation and make it easily accessible to all.

Federal Spatial Data Infrastructure FSDI

The Federal spatial data infrastructure (FSDI) is the part of the NSDI within the Federal administration itself and whose implementation represents the specific task of the two COGIS Processes «Geoinformation coordination and steering» and «Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) Development and maintenance».


INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe is the name of an EU directive for the development of an European Spatial Data Infrastructure. The goal of the infrastructure is to support the European Environmental policy and decision-making. program was launched in 2003 as a joint programme by the Confederation, cantons and other public and private stakeholders in the field of geoinformation, the purpose being to create a national geodata infrastructure.