Dataset of the week
Overview of the latest dataset of the week on the Federal Geoportal.
Where could neophytes spread in Switzerland? (FOEN)
The set of invasive alien plants shows the maps of the potential areas of 56 alien plants species present in Switzerland as well as some invasive species present in neighboring countries with the potential to reach Switzerland.
Which are the most densely populated regions in Switzerland? (FSO)
Since 1990, the residential buildings recorded in federal national censuses have been given coordinates.
How much renewable energy can my house produce? (SFOE)
Solar energy that reaches the earth's surface can be utilised with the aid of the two established solar technologies, photovoltaics (electricity) and solar thermal energy, for the production of renewable energy.
Where is there snow, and how much? (MeteoSwiss)
Current measurement values of snow depth in centimeter. Automatic measurement every 10 minutes.
Where is the nearest emergency meeting point? (FOCP)
Emergency Meeting Points are designated meeting place for members of the population in the event of a disaster, emergency or severe shortage, where they can receive support and information on the current situation.
What is the proportion of deciduous and coniferous trees in the country? (FOEN)
Information on the degree of forest mix rate NFI is modelled using remote sensing methods. Based on the freely available Copernicus (ESA) Sentinel-1 and -2 satellite data (image stacks from previous years), the proportion of deciduous and coniferous trees is evaluated nationwide in grid cells with a spatial resolution of 10 metres. A machine learning method is used for this purpose.
Where to ski this winter? (swisstopo)
The digital ski routes contain specific information for snow sports in Switzerland and adjacent parts of its neighbouring countries.
What chemical elements are found in the topsoils of Switzerland? (FOEN)
What distribution and contents of potentially toxic and/or essential elements of mainly geogenic origin can be expected in Swiss topsoil?
How many generally accessible charging points can we expect to have in 2035? (SFOE)
The map shows how many generally accessible charging points should be available in the selected municipality in 2035 in order to meet the charging demand.
Where to find cities and conurbations which qualify for subsidies? (ARE)
The list of cities and conurbations which qualify for subsidies shows which municipalities are entitled to federal subsidies within the framework of the Urban Transport programme (in accordance with Annex of the DETEC Ordinance on the Urban Transport Programme [PAVV, SR 725.116.214]).
Where to find wildlife reserves in Switzerland? (FOEN)
Wildlife reserves are created to protect selected mammals and birds and their habitats. The 43 federal wildlife reserves listed here are based on Art. 11 of the Swiss Hunting Act.
Which city? Which street? Which building number? (swisstopo)
The directories of localities, streets and building addresses in Switzerland contain officially and legally verified data.
What is the status of rivers and lakes in Switzerland? ( FOEN)
The map shows the current Swissriver discharges and lake water levels compared with the monthly percentiles of the long term hourly averages (expressed in percentiles).
Where are the cultivated areas in Switzerland? (FOAG, cantons)
Only in German - Der Geodatensatz «landwirtschaftliche Nutzungsflächen» stellt die räumliche Lage der Kulturflächen wie Wiesen, Weiden und Ackerflächen der Schweiz dar.
Where are the most beautiful cycling routes in Switzerland? (FEDRO, canton)
«Cycling in Switzerland» from SwitzerlandMobility comprises the national, regional and local cycling routes in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
Hard rock aggregates: Thickness and quality of geological occurrences (swisstopo)
Hard rock aggregates play a central role particularly for the construction and maintenance of the Swiss railway network (railway ballast) as well as of high-performance roads.
Where is it hottest today? Current temperature maxima (MeteoSwiss)
Current measurement values of Temperature 2 m, max. today [°C]. Data is updated every 10 minutes.
Solar irradiation on a horizontal surface (SFOE)
The irradiation maps show the solar radiation on a south-facing surface for four different inclinations: Horizontal, 30°, 75° and 90°.
Do you recognise the diversity of landscapes in your region? (ARE)
The landscape typology of Switzerland provides a technical basis for addressing a range of questions relating to spatial effects.
How my city looked 100 years ago? (swisstopo)
The swisstopo map collection is a unique cultural treasure comprising all first editions and revised versions of the official «Dufour Map», the «Siegfried Map» and the series of national maps.
Groundwater heat utilisation potential (SFOE)
The thermal energy stored in groundwater can be used for heating purposes. With groundwater heat pump systems, the heat can be extracted from the groundwater and transferred to the heating system. The potential of groundwater for heating is large and can be estimated.
Are there ticks in my region? (FOPH)
The Federal Office of Public Health presents the updated «Tick Hazard Model» of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. It shows the static geographical distribution of areas where ticks can establish themselves and survive in nature.
Water supply during the vegetation period (FOEN, WSL)
The trees often have less water available during the vegetation period. The water supply during the vegetation period is decisive for the growth and vitality of the forests. The availability of water can be calculated from the difference between precipitation and potential evaporation. This is the climatic water balance. If the soil reservoir is added, the site water balance is calculated. The site water balance is closely related to the occurrence of trees, their vitality and growth. The tree species have different demands on the water supply. While oaks are frugal, spruce need considerably more water during the vegetation period.
What invasive plants are there in your region? (FOEN)
The set of invasive alien plants shows the maps of the potential areas of 56 alien plants species present in Switzerland as well as some invasive species present in neighboring countries with the potential to reach Switzerland.
How are our glaciers doing?
21 March is World Glaciers Day. Glacier Monitoring in Switzerland (GLAMOS) aims to document glacier changes in Switzerland in the long term. Data are collected systematically, not only on development of surface area and volume, but also on snow accumulation, melting of ice, glacier flow and ice temperatures.
Largest private landowner of Switzerland? Pro Natura
Pro Natura protects over 770 nature preserves, which cover a total area of almost 270 km2 in Switzerland. For various reasons, only 763 preserves are published here. The association owns more than 69 km2 itself. This makes Pro Natura the largest private landowner in Switzerland. The remaining areas are protected under contract. Pro Natura itself provides professional supervision of some of these sites.
Pollen concentration of Alder and Hazel (MeteoSwiss)
Measurement values of Alder and Hazel, hourly average pollen concentration [pollen per cubic meter of air]. Data is updated every hour. The data set contains all stations of the automatic national pollen monitoring network.
Where is there snow now? Current measurement values of snow depth (MeteoSwiss)
Current measurement values of Snow depth [cm], manual recording. The data refers to the period 7:00 a.m. (previous day) to 7:00 a.m. (today) and the change of day takes place at 8:00 a.m. each day.
Slopes and overland flow (FOAG)
Only in German. Der Datensatz Hanglagen Abschwemmung dient dazu, die Flächen zu bestimmen, auf welchen Massnahmen gegen Abschwemmung zu ergreifen sind.
Snow sports: safely and with respect (swisstopo, FOEN)
The snowsports map on contains not only the ski and snowshoe routes of swisstopo and the Swiss Alpine Club SAC, but also information on the quiet zones and fauna protection sites of the FOEN, as well as slopes >30°.
How far away is the nearest pharmacy? (FSO)
A sufficient basic supply of the goods and services needed in everyday life, as well as access to places of retreat such as lakeshores or forests, are of great importance for the quality of life. The calculation of the accessibility to these services - in this example the accessibility of pharmacies - is a method to measure this phenomenon.
Metallic raw materials (swisstopo, FGS)
This dataset shows the locations where metallic raw materials (ores) have been identified as well as the former mining sites in Switzerland. Currently, no metallic raw materials are exploited commercially.
Where is Emmental cheese made? Not only in Emmental (FOAG)
The register of designations of origin (PDO) and geographical indications (PGI) allows the region names and traditional designations of agricultural products to be protected (with the exception of wine), where the quality and the main characteristics of the products are determined by their geographical origin.
Utilisation of ground heat in Switzerland? Deep geothermal projects (swisstopo)
This map shows deep geothermal plants in operation as well as current and former deep geothermal projects in Switzerland.
Cultural property of national importance? around 3400 objects (FOCP)
Around 3400 objects (individual buildings, collections in museums, archives and libraries and archaeological objects) are categorised as cultural property of national importance in the 2021 edition of the Inventory.
Networking of wild animal populations in Switzerland? Interregaional wildlife corridors (FOEN)
Wildlife corridors connect wildlife populations separated by human activities and structures.
Where can I have a house built? Building zones Switzerland (ARE / Cantons)
The dataset «Building zones Switzerland (harmonized)» is based on the geodata on building zones available to the cantonal offices responsible for spatial planning as of 1.1.2022. The cantonal zone types were assigned to nine primary uses within the building zones in accordance with the minimum geodata model on land use planning.
Windspeed and directions in Switzerland? Windatlas of Switzerland (SFOE)
The Wind Atlas of Switzerland describes the wind conditions at five different heights above the ground: 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 metres. The data are based on a nation-wide modelling system with a horizontal grid width of 100 metres. The modelled average annual wind speed is depicted in the atlas at each grid point.
Dataset 04.08.2023
Since 1990, the residential buildings recorded in federal national censuses have been given coordinates. Since 2010, the Buildings and Dwellings statistic (BDS) replaces the buildings and dwellings survey that used to take place every 10 years as part of the population census (PC). The BDS is annually updated, mainly based on the Federal Register of Buildings and Dwellings (RBD). It provides information on the structure of the whole buildings and dwellings stock and on the population's living conditions (e.g. occupation density per room or dwelling, floor space per person).
Dataset 21.07.2023
Comparison of spatial analysis of monthly and yearly averages of temperature over the norm periods 1961-1990 and 1991-2020.
Dataset 28.06.2023
Geotourism valorizes special geological and landscape features. Geological hiking trails (Geo-trails), maps and guides are produced to make geology accessible to a broad audience.
Dataset 14.06.2023
The FOEN has been operating a temperature monitoring network in watercourses since the 1970s. Care is taken to ensure that the measurements take on one bank of the river yield representative results for the entire river cross-section.
Dataset 31.05.2023
In order to take the difficult production and living conditions in agriculture into adequate consideration, slope subsidies have been established for areas eligible for direct payments.
Dataset 17.05.2023
Passengers transported by public transport on the Swiss rail network (including tram) in 2050.
Dataset 03.05.2023
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is an infectious disease transmitted via bites from infected ticks.
Dataset 13.03.2023
Forest reserves are designated for the long-term protection of ecological and biological diversity in the forest.
Dataset 19.11.2022
Where can you find Swiss heritage sites of national importance? Federal Inventory ISOS (FOC)
Dataset 27.10.2022
Switzerland from above: A journey through time with aerial photographs from 1946 to the present (swisstopo). Landscape and settlement history of Switzerland over the last 70 years.
Dataset 07.10.2022
How much electricity or heat can my house façade produce? (SFOE)
Dataset 19.09.2022
Where is there potential for wind energy?
Dataset 02.09.2022
How low is the water level of lakes and rivers in a long-term comparison? (FOEN)
Dataset 09.08.2022
Federal Inventory of Dry Grasslands of National Importance (FOEN)
Dataset 05.07.2022
Water availability for plants: Changes between 1981 and 2018 (FOEN).
Dataset 17.06.2022
Where is it hottest today? Current temperature maxima (MeteoSwiss).
Dataset 10.06.2022
How did the Swiss Alps look like about 100 years ago? Terrestrial images taken by swisstopo.
Dataset 01.06.2022
Federal Inventory of Floodplains of National Importance (FOEN).
Dataset 16.11.2021
How are population density and population growth distributed across Switzerland? (FST)
Dataset 27.05.2021
How close to nature are our streams and rivers? Ecomorphology Level F (FOEN)
Dataset 17.05.2022
Solidago canadensis, Erigeron annuus etc.: Potential distribution maps of invasive alien plants (FOEN).